All About Personal and Professional Coaching
The field of personal and professional coaching has grown rapidly in the past 15 years and, as with most fields and professions that experience this kind of growth, there are many different perspectives on coaching. Here's a definition that perhaps most people would agree with. Coaching involves working in a partnership between coach and client(s) to provide structure, guidance and support for clients to:
Coaching can be especially useful to help individuals, groups, and organizations to address complex problems and/or achieve significant goals and to do so in a highly individualized fashion while learning at the same time. A general framework we use and adapt to specific needs:
ALL about PAS coaching
Parental alienation syndrome (abbreviated as PAS) is a term coined by Richard A. Gardner in the early 1980s to refer to what he describes as a disorder in which a child, on an ongoing basis, belittles and insults one parent without justification, due to a combination of factors, including indoctrination by the other parent (almost exclusively as part of a child custody dispute) and the child's own attempts to denigrate the target parent.
JATO is now offering goal-oriented solution focused parental alienation coaching to help parents dealing with alienated children and alienating co-parents. We use the following framework:
- We identify the major pain points,
- We share important insights about parental alienation,
- We're going to look for small but positive elements in your story,
- We look at the options out there and weigh them against several factors,
- We agree on a concrete action plan,
- We could advice you lawyer,
"Coaching is practicing the disciplines of believing in people in order to empower them to change" Tony Soltzfus "Coaches are change experts who help leaders take responsibility and act to maximize their own potential" Joseph Umidi